Monday, April 18, 2011

uncca zab!

henry, nearly 2 months
you smiled for the first time
you drank your first bottle (out of ICN)
you began co-sleeping and got attached to my breast
you love to play on your mat and stare at the dangling objects
you found your hands and love to move them around
you like to kick your feet and gurgle
you can make a lot of sounds and often put two sounds together
you look more like a real baby!
you met your auntie zab and you gave her a big smile!
you got a shot at the doctor's office
we tried to let you "cry it out," it didn't work
auntie zab said you got cuter in just one week!

max, 2 months
you huff and snort, sometimes in your sleep
you love your swing, and the sea creatures that swim above your head
your arms and legs are going, going!
you seem like a giant, you're growing out of 3-6 mo clothes
you can't keep your pacifier in your mouth, but you like it
you coo a lot
you smile a lot - wide open, happy smiles!
you got lots of shots at the doctor's office, where you were pronounced to be perfect
you are a good baby, and sleep really well - sometimes 5 hours at a time
your big brother LOVES you and is really nice to you.

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